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Reads the results of run_daisie_ml() and compares model selection to determine sensitivity to different data input into the same model or set of models. The run_daisie_ml() results are expected to be located in sub folders within the results/ folder in the current working directory. These sub folders must have the same names as the elements of data_names.


sensitivity(data_names, full_output = FALSE, results_dir = NULL)



A vector of strings with the names of the data sets you want to compare sensitivity.


A boolean determining whether the full model output is returned.


A string with the path to the directory where results are to be stored or can be found. For example, if the data in question is (to be) stored in folder_with_res/$data_name, then results_dir should be "folder_with_res". Defaults to NULL, which indicates the default directories are to be used. Default directories are: * $HOME/results/$data_name if on the cluster * getwd()/results/$data_name if called from another environment If, then the object is returned to the R session and not saved to file.


A list of 3 elements if full_output is FALSE, or of 4 elements if TRUE. The elements are as follows:


A character vector of length one, which reports whether the best fit model is sensitive to the input.


A character vector of length one, which reports whether the rank (or order) of the model selection is sensitive to the input.


A named list of as many elements as the there are models in data_names. Each named list contains a sorted named vector with the corresponding BIC value of each fit model. The sort is always ascending.


Only returned if full_output is TRUE. A named list with a similar structure as model_selection_rank. Instead of named vectors with the BIC values, however, the full run_daisie_ml() data frame output is returned. This is a one row data frame, with the parameter estimates, degrees of freedom, convergence information and BIC value.


Joshua W. Lambert


if (FALSE) {
  data_names = c("Azores", "Azores_alt_m"),
  full_output = FALSE