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Calculates power to detect the true model


calc_power(daisie_data, results_dir = NULL)



A list, conforming to the DAISIE object format. Usually preprocessed by DAISIE::DAISIE_dataprep(), see it's documentation for details. Otherwise it may be generated via simulations, using DAISIE::DAISIE_sim_cr() and friends.


A string with the path to the directory where results are to be stored or can be found. For example, if the data in question is (to be) stored in folder_with_res/$data_name, then results_dir should be "folder_with_res". Defaults to NULL, which indicates the default directories are to be used. Default directories are: * $HOME/results/$data_name if on the cluster * getwd()/results/$data_name if called from another environment If, then the object is returned to the R session and not saved to file.


Numeric power